Articles on: Account

Pay As You Go Pricing

Pay As You Go (PAYG) is a great option if you only want to pay when you transact. Below is our full price list.

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Quick tip: If you want to avoid additional transaction fees and receive added benefits, upgrade to a subscription today.

Once you have added a company to your portfolio, you can complete any of the following CIPC transactions.

TransactionPrice (incl. CIPC fees)
Company Registration (only)R 199.00
Company Registration + Name ReservationR 249.00
Annual Return (R0 Turnover)R 195.00
Annual Return (R1-1m Turnover)R 249.00
Annual Return (R1m-10m Turnover)R 649.00
Annual Return (R10m+ Turnover)R 2,495.00
Annual Return (R25m+ Turnover)R 3,495.00
Annual Return (R1-50m Turnover) (Close Corporations only)R 495.00
Annual Return (R50m+ Turnover) (Close Corporations only)R 4,495.00
Share CertificateR 149.00
Compliance ChecklistFREE
CIPC DisclosureR 149.00
Address ChangeR 149.00
Beneficial OwnershipR 249.00
Financial Year End ChangeR 395.00
Director ChangeR 249.00
Member ChangeR 249.00
Auditor ChangeR 295.00
Accounting Officer ChangeR 295.00
Company Secretary ChangeR 295.00
Public Officer ChangeFREE
Name Reservation (only)R 95.00
Name Change (only)R 595.00
Name Reservation + Name ChangeR 695.00
Authorised Share ChangeR 695.00
Document RequestR 149.00

All transactions include required minutes, resolutions, letters and certificates where applicable.

For more information, contact us at

Updated on: 26/02/2025

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