How to change a company name
The name of a company plays such an important part in reflecting what the business does and what it stands for. With InfoDocs your new company name is just a click away.
Estimated reading time: 1 minute
Before you attempt to change the company name, a name reservation must be lodged and approved with CIPC. Have a look at the steps set our in our article on How to lodge a name reservation.
Step 1: Simply navigate to the Company tab and select the option Change Company Name

Step 2: A pop-up will appear asking you to select a reserved name. Simply select the applicable reserved name and click Next

Step 3: Proceed to click Pay Now to lodge the company name change.

Step 4: Once CIPC has processed the name reservation an email will be sent to the directors requesting that they sent OTP and tracking number received from CIPC to to finalise the name change.

Estimated reading time: 1 minute
Before you attempt to change the company name, a name reservation must be lodged and approved with CIPC. Have a look at the steps set our in our article on How to lodge a name reservation.
Step 1: Simply navigate to the Company tab and select the option Change Company Name

Step 2: A pop-up will appear asking you to select a reserved name. Simply select the applicable reserved name and click Next

Step 3: Proceed to click Pay Now to lodge the company name change.

Step 4: Once CIPC has processed the name reservation an email will be sent to the directors requesting that they sent OTP and tracking number received from CIPC to to finalise the name change.

Updated on: 29/05/2023
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