Under which circumstances may a company secretary be deemed to be a prescribed officer of a company?
Is a partnership or a juristic person permitted to be appointed as a company secretary?
What are the meanings of “control” and “hold” in terms of section 3 of companies act 2008?
What are the purposes of companies act 71 of 2008?
What are the provisions when a juristic person or a partnership is appointed to hold the office of company secretary?
What are the reasons for the determination whether a company secretary is a prescribed officer of a company or not?
Is the company secretary a prescribed officer of a company?
When is the appointment of a company secretary, an auditor, and an audit committee compulsory for a private comp
Is a company secretary permitted to be a company director of any company?
Is the appointment of a company secretary a matter to be decided for the board of directors or the shareholders of the company?
Must a company secretary be appointed by a shareholders special resolution if the company secretary is appointed by the shareholders of a co
Does the king iv report on corporate governance for south africa™ recommend the appointment of a company secretary for small and medium ente
What is the impact of companies act 2008 on the natal code of zulu law 1987 and the kwazulu act 1985 on the code of zulu law?
What is the definition of a company secretary?
Who appoints the first company secretary of a public company or a state-owned company?
Is a trust permitted to be appointed as a company secretary?
Is it required for a company to maintain a record of its company secretaries if that company has voluntarily appointed a company secretary?
What are the most significant changes in companies act 2008?
Who are the most likely persons who may be deemed prescribed officers of a company?
Which of the following persons are permitted to be appointed as the auditor of a company:
Are the directors of a company permitted to file a notice of the appointment of a company secretary as part of the company’s notice of incor
Which of the following persons are permitted to be appointed as the auditor of a company?
What is the general anti-avoidance provision of business legislation in relation to companies act 2008?
Which bodies administer the requirements of companies act 71 of 2008 with regard to companies and close corporations?
Is it still a statutory requirement for the name of a secretary of a public company to be stated on trade catalogues and trade circulars of
Is the commission permitted to assess the costs of convening a shareholders meeting to every director of a company which has failed to appoi
What is the dual function of the companies tribunal?
Is the commission permitted to convene a shareholders meeting to appoint a company secretary in the event that the company has failed to do
Who must ensure that the board of directors has access to professional and independent guidance on its legal duties – the board of directors