Articles on: FAQ

What are the turnaround times for CIPC transactions?

This article explains the average turnaround times for the CIPC transactions you can do on InfoDocs.

TransactionTurnaround Time
Annual Returns1-2 days to receive confirmation
Beneficial Ownership1-3 days to receive confirmation
Address Changes±1 hour to receive confirmation
Document Requests±1 day to receive requested documents, unless a manual request is required which can take up to ±1 week
Financial Year End Changes1-2 days from the filing date to receive confirmation
Director Changes1-3 days from the date of submitting supporting documents to receive confirmation
Member Changes1-3 days from the date of submitting supporting documents to receive confirmation
Auditor Changes3-5 days from the date of submitting supporting documents to receive confirmation
Accounting Officer Changes3-5 days from the date of submitting supporting documents to receive confirmation
Company Secretary Changes3-5 days from the date of submitting supporting documents to receive confirmation
Authorised Share Changes1-2 days to receive OTPs
Name Reservation1-2 days to receive confirmation
Name Changes1-2 days to receive OTPs

Happy transacting!

Updated on: 06/02/2024

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