How to check your authorised shares on CIPC
Authorised shares are the number of shares that a company is allowed to issue according to its Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI).
You will need a CIPC customer code and the registration number of the company.
Go to the CIPC website for authorised share changes:
Log in with your CIPC customer code and password
Search for the company using the registration number (e.g. 2020/123456/07) and click VALIDATE
This page should display the authorised shares* under "Shares details"
*If you do not see any authorised shares, do not panic. This simply means CIPC have failed to capture your share classes.
For more information, please read how to change authorised shares

What you will need
You will need a CIPC customer code and the registration number of the company.
How to check your authorised shares
Go to the CIPC website for authorised share changes:
Log in with your CIPC customer code and password
Search for the company using the registration number (e.g. 2020/123456/07) and click VALIDATE
This page should display the authorised shares* under "Shares details"
*If you do not see any authorised shares, do not panic. This simply means CIPC have failed to capture your share classes.
For more information, please read how to change authorised shares

Updated on: 23/08/2024
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